ERFA Strategy Day 2018

ERFA Strategy Day 2018

Private rail freight companies, represented by ERFA, held their annual strategy workshop in Brussels this week. The conditions needed to boost rail freight growth in Europe and to drive rail’s attractiveness for customers on quality, reliability and cost issues were the main themes of the day.


The need of simplifying language requirements was discussed with the European Commission, European Union Agency for Railways and train driver trade union representatives (ALE).
At its meeting ERFA also highlighted the positive steps taken in the contingency handbook adopted by infrastructure managers (IM ICM Handbook) to identify structures and processes needed to better support international rail services in the event of disruptions.

ERFA also kick-started a discussion on the main elements of Railway Undertaking contingency plans that could help minimise the impact of large-scale disruptions.

A key priority identified by ERFA members for 2019 is the development of an EU-wide strategic plan, identifying a clear set of tools that boost rail freight and that can be deployed at national and international level.

Linked documents

ERFA SDay-ALE ( 18.11.21 SDay - ERFA ALE-1542967231.pdf )

ERFA SDay-EC ( 181121 SDay EC-1542967094.pdf )

ERFA SDay-ERFA ( 18.11.21 SDay - ERFA-1542967041.pdf )

ERFA SDay-GLADYGA ( 18.11.21 SDay - Maciej Gladyga ERFA-1542967602.pdf )

ERFA SDay-GROSS ( 18.11.21 SDay - GROSS-1542967133.pdf )